Hello! And welcome to my personal website!
I'm an economist at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, specializing (like all of us at the CFPB) in household finance. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from NYU. I do both structural and empirical work, mostly focused on mortgages and auto loans. Please feel free to reach out at: [email protected] or [email protected]. |
Working Papers:
Expense Shocks Matter (with Scott Fulford) Auto Dealer Loan Intermediation: Consumer Behavior and Competitive Effects (with Andreas Grunewald, Jonathan A. Lanning, and Tobias Salz). Revise & Resubmit, American Economic Review. What Triggers Mortgage Default? New Evidence from Linked Administrative and Survey Data (ASMB instruments available here). Accepted, The Review of Economics and Statistics. An Empirically-Disciplined Theory of Mortgage Default. (Formerly titled "Mortgage Default with Positive Equity"). Revise & Resubmit, Review of Financial Studies Measuring the "World" Real Interest Rate (with Mervyn King). NBER Working Paper Working Paper 19887. Work in Progress: Even Self-Aware Consumers are Overconfident (with Christopher Carroll, Daniel Grodzicki, and Matthew White) Non-Academic Papers: Data Point: Subprime Auto Loan Outcomes by Lender Type (with Jasper Clarkberg and Jack Gardner) Special Issue Brief: Characteristics of Mortgage Borrowers During the COVID-19 Pandemic (with Erik Durbin, Greta Li, and Judith Ricks) Data Point: Frequent Overdrafters (with Éva Nagypál , Leslie Parrish , Akaki Skhirtladze , and Corey Stone ) |